Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2009 Reflections
Monday, December 21, 2009
Breakfast with Santa!
NaNa and I in our holiday wear...
so not planned, but happens ALL the time!
She has great taste!
Sadie patiently waiting for Santa to call her name.
When the time came, she had nothing to do with him
and wouldn't even take her gift!
Cooper giving his best, "Ho! Ho! Ho!"
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Blessing Mix
- Animal crackers remind us of the animals at the manger.
- The chocolate star reminds us of the star that announced Jesus' birth.
- The pretzel sticks help us remember the shepherd's and their staffs.
- The bugles remind us that the angels trumpeted the arrival of Jesus!
- Cheerios remind us that there was ZERO room at the inn.
- Lifesavers remind us it is only through Christ's free gift we are truly saved.
- And M&M's...turn them upside down to make W&W and remember to Worship & Wonder at the arrival of our great king this season!
It's been fun to pick through the munchies and talk about each part of this message!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Cards - Take 235
Monday, December 7, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thanksgiving Part 2!
Some of the Rowden Boys
Ryan, Stanley, Grandpa Rowden, Aaron, Wade, Jake and Ronnie
Most of the crew!
Thanksgiving Day
Cooper referred to this one as the Binky Pie. Pie was cooling and Sadie Re LAUNCHED a binky...marvelous. This one was quickly spread with Cool Whip.
Daddy and Sadie reading before the guests arrived.
Mommy and her helper.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Birthday Trip to Mexico

Monday, November 23, 2009
Big Buck Down!
Me: So, is it a pretty big deer?
Cooper:'s GINORMOUS!
Me: So, did you take it to the...butcher??
Cooper: (while rolling eyes dramatically) No...we took it to the slaughter house!
Me: That sounds really disgusting.
Cooper: kind of is.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
I'm the type of gal that...buys kid food so that I can eat it...did not get bit by the exercise bug...makes lists with things on it that have already been completed just so I can cross them off...loves anything pumpkin (coffee, bread, soup, cookies, pie, etc.)...can't say no...still cooks dinner weekly for an older man that I don't live next door to addicted to Facebook...loves to read and buy books for my kids...loves a nice relaxing vacation...will be going on a nice relaxing vacation for my 30th...loves to get Sadie to say new words over and over (new one: "I onna hold you.")...have been with my husband for just shy of 12 years and wouldn't change anything about sending things in the sending Christmas cards even though the task is daunting and takes hours...loves fall and winter...(this is for Tiffany)...takes my clothes off and leaves them inside out to wash and fold (I can't believe I admitted it!)...I also really enjoying doing laundry but can't seem to ever get it put away...buys vitamins but can't seem to remember to take them...loves Swiffer wet clothes and Clorox wipes...picks up my house frantically before anyone comes over and acts like it always looks this good...loves anything semi-homemade...loves to read trashy magazines...loves to hear Cooper tell made up stories...likes purses but never carries one...loves that some of my besties are my same besties from high to fruit in lettuce salad. Random, but fun! Thanks Maria!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sadie's FIRST Haircut!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Nana's Cadillac
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
We love FALL!