Sunday, July 26, 2009

Move #1...check!

Whew! We've completed Phase #1 of the move! Ryan and I spent the better part of the weekend preparing for the move this morning. Thanks to our parents for herding our kids and Jake, Ashley, Pat, Evan, Jay and Andy for helping to load the truck this morning! So far, things have gone off without a hitch. The majority of our belongings have been loaded up and will stay on the moving truck for the next month or that point, the trucking company will bring the truck to our new house for us to unload. Pretty slick deal!

After the moving, my sister and I headed to my parents/our interim home to unload all of our stuff and get the bedrooms situated. Sadie's crib will be in with Ryan & I and Cooper will be bunking with Aunt Awk. We brought his bed from home to keep some normality, but I'd say he'll being sneaking in with Ashley most nights!

Since we finished early we decided to make the most of the Sunday Funday and head to the of the many perks of moving in with my 'rents! It was nice to watch the kids play and hang-out in the sunshine!

I intend to post about these interesting living arrangements, so stay tuned! And...a big thanks to my Mom and Dad for opening up their home to all of us!

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